Processing Information: People/Information Story: Eye Glasses (Farsighted/Nearsighted) |
Say: The picture below represents the two most corrected visions in this country. Farsighted and Nearsighted There are some of us who see in the distance and tend to communicate with lots of words and emotion. We want to process information verbally, share our ideas and trust most anyone who comes our way. On the other hand there are others who see the details. We tend not to look far out but close in. We see the obstacles standing in the way and the best next step. We tend to process information in writing, verify all the facts and people have to earn trust. What is TRUTH: Optimist: Quick to Trust/rarely validates Realist: Slow to Trust/always validates
Now let’s take a look at where each of you fall on this continuum. Ask: How well do you think our assessment pegged you in this continuum? Ask: Tell me a little about how you guys tend to process information based on what we see on this continuum below? Say: (your space bar will bring the right "Objective" up for you to read based on the scores.) The objective …
if Opposites is to help you discover the truth about your current financial position and help you replace what you think is true - with want is true. if Optimist is to help you verify that what you believe to be true about your current financial position - is true. if Realist is to give you time to validate the information, discover what is true, and allow you to embrace the information provided about your current financial position with greater confidence. |
No math presented on this screen. |