You must seek to eliminate or minimize all wealth transfers whenever possible. Often the best strategy is to first eliminate unnecessary wealth transfers before taking on additional investment risk. |
Accumulators: We all know that we need to be saving more to ensure our future is secure. With all the transfer problems that may exist, it seems that reducing our lifestyle to save is not only very hard to do but may be undesirable as well. We are aware of these problems but most do not know how to solve them. The common solution - additional saving and investing will not eliminate the wealth transfer problem. In fact, any inefficiencies that remain will continue to compound and grow as well, effectively reducing or negating any additional growth your efforts may have produced. The point is, if you do not eliminate the sources of wealth transfer they will grow right along with your Circle of Wealth. Retirees: Unnecessary wealth transfers put an increased strain on your accumulated money which if not eliminated can force your Circle of Wealth to be exhausted prematurely. Business Owners: Your business is going to grow whether you work with me or not however if you are not working with someone who can help you eliminate or reduce your unnecessary expense losses those losses will grow right along with the growth of your business. If you lose a dollar you did not have to lose you not only lost that dollar but what it could have earned for you. |
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