Circle Talk for Accumulators: There are many ways to increase your Circle of Wealth. Searching for the highest rate of return can often over shadow the big picture. It is important that you make your money do all it can do. Avoid losing strategies first before seeking winning ones. Circle Talk for Retirees: It is important that you make your money do all it can do. You have to be just as prudent and savvy in the spending of your money as you were in the accumulation of your money to avoid unnecessary wealth transfers. |
Accumulators: There are many ways to enlarge your Circle of Wealth. Most people feel the number one way to accomplish this is through increasing their rate of return on their investment dollars. While it is certainly true that increased return and better investments do increase ones Circle of Wealth, and are to be sought after, this may not produce the greatest results. Accumulators & Retirees: This brings us to our second point, making your money do all it can do. It is important to remember that the amount of money that will pass through ones Circle of Wealth is a finite amount. Although, this may sound elementary, most people spend very little energy in search of ways to handle their money more effectively. While many boast of how they can increase your wealth by helping you achieve better investment results, few spend time showing you how to avoid areas, which could erode your Circle of Wealth. I feel it is important to begin helping my clients avoid unnecessary wealth transfers because it can have a dramatic impact on their money. To have your money do all it can do, you must be aware of the impact each decision has on the rest of your money. This secondary focus is one that will also receive a good bit of attention after we have worked towards avoiding unnecessary transfers. There could be more to be gained in avoiding the areas of inefficiency than there is in making the money we do have do better. Business Owners: As you know there are many factors that influence the growth of your business. And it’s these factors that tend to dominate your time and energy. There are really only two ways people other than you can help you grow your business. One would require in-depth understanding of your business to find new markets and opportunities for growth. This often requires increased risks for you and your company. The second way would be for someone to help you become more efficient with what you’re currently doing and reduce areas of risk and loss. This is what I do. |
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