You must put yourself in a financial position where you can use your own money and pay yourself back. You must create an entity you own and control. |
Accumulators: In order to control the transfer of interest and its opportunity cost, you must put yourself in a financial position where you have the choice to use your money or someone else’s money. By that I mean that you must save the the point that you can choose to pay cash or finance. If you choose pay cash you should pay yourself back. As long as you use money from others they will require interest for that privilege. Until you have enough money accumulated you will be forced to transfer some of your wealth away. Once you have accumulated savings, there may be opportunity to use money from others at a rate less than your money is earning. Getting to that position will be critical to the growth of your Circle of Wealth. Retirees: Capital is Critical. Over the course of your lifetime the financial institutions you have had to deal with have been in competition for your money. The fact that you are retired does not change their focus. It will be very important for you throughout your retirement years to understand the rules centered around the spending of your accumulated assets to make sure you are not transferring money away unnecessarily. As we work together we will seek to put you in best possible financial position to make your money last as long as possible. Business Owners: In order to avoid the loss of interest and its opportunity cost, you must put yourself in a financial position where you have the choice to use your money or someone else’s. Line of Credit plays a major role for most business owners. As long as you use money from others they will require interest for that privilege. Until you have enough money accumulated you will be forced to transfer some of your wealth away. What if you could loan your business “your personal savings” potentially earning a higher rate of return on those dollars while at the same time deducting the interest your business pays to use your money? This enables you to be in financial position to be the bank rather than a customer of the bank. Which one would you like? |
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