This tool provides a graphic illustration to convey the idea that a well rounded portfolio contains a mix of asset types; each of which offers a different set of benefits and risks. Depending on the environment and the individual's needs, it may make sense to leverage the advantages of different assets at different times over the lifetime of a portfolio. Therefore, the focus may shift from asset A to asset B, back to A, then C as prudence dictates. Thus the best strategy is rarely one asset class at the exclusion of all others, instead, it will usually consist of multiple asset classes working together; offering different benefits at different times to successfully accomplish the goals of the portfolio. It begins by displaying a primary circle, i.e. Your Circle of Wealth, with additional circles representing eight asset types and one circle representing expense surrounding the center circle. Clicking any asset will display it in the center circle. The asset can then be discussed using the list of benefits on the right of the screen. Each time you click a circle, it resets the list of benefits. Then as you click each item in the list, it highlights. This allows you to visually compare and contrast the benefits of different asset types. After you place Permanent Life Insurance in the center circle, clicking any other asset will launch the Understanding Policy Loans presentation with the selected asset as the target of the policy loan. You may change the names of the assets by clicking the [Rename] button. |
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