Most of the Circle of Wealth® system calculators that compare scenarios make the assumption that two (or more) alternatives will be funded with the same (money, resources, etc.). Then the growth in value of the two or more scenarios is compared.
The Protection Component calculators are different. They help clients compare and contrast different insurance policies. The policies will have different features and different premiums. It is similar to shopping for and selecting any other product. The point is that we are not performing a mathematical or financial comparison where the Current Policy provides the exact same features as the Alternative Policy. The policies are different. The protection component calculators allow a client to select the best policy for their circumstances. They do NOT provide an indication of which policy is a better investment.
It is assumed the Alternative Policy premiums will be less. If they are not, the results will be negative. A negative result means that the second alternative will cost the client more.
Many inputs are presented twice for cosmetic reasons. This allows you to see the inputs for both the current and alternative scenarios. However, the program only uses the last value entered for these common inputs. For example, the opportunity cost (rate of return) input appears both on the left (current scenario) and on the right (alternative scenario). If you enter 8% on the left and then enter 9% on the right, the program will change both displayed inputs to 9% and will use 9%.